snooze smacker

I dream almost every night. Sometimes I remember.

Friday, April 21, 2006


I was looking at some online work. The artist had just kinda blew up as a new media artist. I got some link from some place noting how this artist was recently getting a lot of recognition. He had made a couple short movies. They were simple animated outline drawings. Accompanying the work was a written description of the work and his influences/inspiration for the pieces. One mentioned was Ghostcatching. This was probably the most memorable and inspiring show I've ever gone to. Without a doubt it's a favorite. I was impressed and pleased.

The first work was of a couple having sex while floating. It was me. It wasn't graphic or detailed, I mean it was only outline drawings, but I knew that it was me. I felt a bit flattered and a bit embarrassed. The second was a series of impossible positions and mergings of two people. It looked like a woman flopped out of his spine and was giving him a blowjob, but then morphed and blended into his butt as he somersaulted forward. It had really graceful movements and was much better than the first movie mostly because it was so strange. I liked it more that the first, despite the fact that it was much shorter--and that I had a feeling that it wasn't me. I realized how much had changed, and how much my feelings had stayed the same.

It was some point far in the future. Things were different. I thought about how we used to be really close. Checking his new work was like looking at an old friend's profile after not talking for a while. It was like getting the update without actually contacting the person. There was some heavy nostalgia, a thick longing, and joy... for him.


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